Micah Guller

Fractional CMO & Full Stack Marketer

I design and deploy digital marketing systems that are

Digital marketing that's
Micah Guller


2007 - Present


I have been designing for print and the web since 1999. I started out of necessity – the nonprofit I worked for didn’t have the money to hire an outside firm, so I stepped in, figured it all out and got it done in style.  Little did I know I’d found my calling.

In 2007 built my own site.  Four years later I moved to Costa Rica and have been a freelance Full Stack Marketer ever since.

1993 - 2007

I've tried a lot of different things in my life. My experiences help me in every single project that I deliver.

I’ve easily had more than two dozen jobs in my life. I’ve never been fired but also never saw the point of keeping a job I didn’t like – life is too short to spend your days doing something you don’t enjoy.

My first job was at a law office one summer during high school, to earn the money to pay for my first car.

After opting not to accept my early admission to New York University, I got a gig managing one of the first Coffee Bean & Tea Leafs. When it went corporate, I took off for Alaska to go work on a fishing boat for 6 months.

I’ve also been a waiter, painter, construction worker, stage manager, piano teacher, factory worker, Executive Director of a chamber of commerce, insurance agent licensed in 30 states, mortgage broker and beyond. One of my goals in life has always been to be an old guy with a lot of crazy stories. So far, so good!

In 2006, I went all in on a real estate project, that ultimately imploded in the midst of the Great Recession. I took a vacation to Costa Rica to clear my head. I fell in love with the country and decided to rebuild my life here, with monkeys, iguana, sloths and some killer ocean views!


2003 - Present

I have taken countless courses and am continuously honing my skills in SEO, Analytics, Marketing Funnels, Marketing Automation, Copywriting, Storytelling, Security, Facebook Advertising, Google Adwords and more.I am always learning and on the lookout for new and better ways to serve my clients and add value.


Cal-State Los Angeles

Bachelor's of Science in Business,
Minor in Economics


As a Full Stack Marketer, I have a wide variety of complimentary skills.

Delivering Projects On-Time 100%
Timely & Professional Communication 100%
Saving My Clients Time, Money & Frustration 100%
Building WordPress Websites 97%
Marketing Analytics & Tracking 95%
Marketing Automation 93%
Graphic Design 85%
Copywriting 90%
Email Marketing 92%
Social Media & Inbound Marketing 91%
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 87%
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) 89%

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